Рік: 2018

Making a Payment to Canada Revenue Agency

here are many ways that you can make a payment to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and with tax season coming up shortly it is a good time to review the most commonly used payment options that are available including online

Why Do Small Businesses Need Financial Statements?

There are only a few questions more shocking to an accountant than “Why do we need financial statements?” Years of specialization and familiarity lead most accountants to take the answer to this question for granted. Usually, when asked this question,

Budget Planning Tips for a Small Business

Below are 6 tips for small business budget planning. But first things first…What is a budget? The dictionary defines a budget as “…a plan for the coordination of resources and expenditures”. So a budget is sort of like a road

Incorporating Your Business

It’s a jungle out there, and when starting a small business, you have a few choices on how to legally structure it. You can organize your business as a corporation, sole proprietorship, or a partnership. What you ultimately choose will

Calculating Start Up Costs

Start-up costs refer to the total cash amount needed to get your business up and running.  This is important because you don’t want to be caught short before your opening day! Here are some basic notes to consider before starting

Making Your Business Stand Out!

What is it about your business that sets you apart from your competitors? Unique Selling Proposition  What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?  Your USP identifies what makes your business unique and what makes it distinct from other similar business

Skills Needed to Run a Business

You have a great idea and some exciting marketing ideas. You even have enough money to get started.  But what about the skills needed to actually run your own business? Strengths -vs- Weaknesses  Knowing your strengths and limitations will help

How to Pay Yourself in a Small Business

Dividend vs. Salary As a small business owner, you have two options to consider when it comes to paying yourself: There is almost no short term difference between the total tax paid as a result of a dividend and the

So you want to start a New Business?

Before you Dive head first into the process of setting up your own business, read through some suggestions for some vital steps to consider: Is it right for you? It takes more than just a good idea to start a business. 

Debt Collection

It goes without saying that a business needs cash flow to keep operating.  If too many customers forget, delay or refuse to pay, your business potentially may end up in serious trouble! Debt collection is an aspect of cash flow