
Skills Needed to Run a Business

You have a great idea and some exciting marketing ideas. You even have enough money to get started.  But what about the skills needed to actually run your own business? Strengths -vs- Weaknesses  Knowing your strengths and limitations will help

How to Pay Yourself in a Small Business

Dividend vs. Salary As a small business owner, you have two options to consider when it comes to paying yourself: There is almost no short term difference between the total tax paid as a result of a dividend and the

So you want to start a New Business?

Before you Dive head first into the process of setting up your own business, read through some suggestions for some vital steps to consider: Is it right for you? It takes more than just a good idea to start a business. 

Debt Collection

It goes without saying that a business needs cash flow to keep operating.  If too many customers forget, delay or refuse to pay, your business potentially may end up in serious trouble! Debt collection is an aspect of cash flow

Simple Cashflow Forecasting

uccess in today’s business climate sometimes requires you to balance your business with your finances. It creates a healthy balance and increases success. But did you realise that a major part of managing your finances can be taken care of

Employment Contracts

For any business owner, you should be familiar with the terms and conditions of employment that apply to your employees. These terms and conditions can be easily set out in employment contracts for your staff. Written contracts of employment can include